SRS24 Schedule

Schedule at a Glance

Wednesday, April 17

8:00 AM – 8:15 AM PDT (11:00-11:15AM EDT)

Introduction to the Conference (0:00 - 10:55)


8:15 AM – 8:45 AM PDT (11:15-11:45AM EDT)

Plenary Session: (10:55 - 41:40)

8:45 AM – 9:45 AM PDT (11:45-12:45PM EDT)

Oral Presentations

Session 1: Lived Experience


Session 2: Multifaceted Roles of Depression


Session 3: Biopsychosocial Risk Factors


Session 4: Medical and Biological Risk/Intervention


Session 5: Cross-Cultural Considerations

 Session 6: Minoritized & Youth Populations


10:00 AM – 11:00 AM PDT (1:00-2:00PM EDT)

Poster Session I

11:00 AM – 12:30 PM PDT (2:00-3:30PM EDT)

Concurrent Symposia


12:45 PM – 1:45 PM PDT (3:45-4:45PM EDT)

Oral Presentations

Session 7: Considerations Related to Suicide From Different Perspectives

Session 8: What Underlies Suicidal Thinking?

Session 9: Suicide Prevention in Schools

Session 10: Dissemination and Implementation

Session 11: Dissemination and Implementation

Session 12: Prevention Efforts

1:45 PM – 2:30 PM PDT (4:45-5:30PM EDT)

Data Blitz Presentations I

Networking/Mentoring Sessions

2:30 PM – 3:00 PM PDT (5:30-6:00PM EDT)

Plenary Session II:


Thursday, April 27

8:00 AM – 8:45 AM PDT (11:00-11:45AM EDT)

Plenary Session III:

8:50 AM – 9:50 AM PDT (11:50-12:50PM EDT)

Oral Presentations

Session 13: Serious Mental Illness

Session 14: Social/Contextual Factors

Session 15: Self-Injury

Session 16: Risk & Recovery

Session 17: Sexual and Gender Minority Individuals

Session 18: Public Health Approaches

10:00 AM – 11:00 AM PDT (1:00-2:00PM EDT)

Poster Session II

11:00 AM – 12:30 PM PDT (2:00-3:30PM EDT)

Concurrent Symposia

12:45 PM – 1:30 PM PDT (3:45-4:30PM EDT)

Data Blitz Presentations II:

Networking/Mentoring Sessions

1:30 PM – 2:30 PM PDT (4:30-5:30PM EDT)

Oral Presentations

Session 19: Measurement and Diversity

Session 20: Military and Veteran Populations

Session 21: Technology-Based and Self-Guided Interventions

Session 22: Social and Support Networks

Session 23: Child & Adolescent Populations

Session 24: Psychosocial and Real-Time Risk

2:30 PM – 3:00 PM PDT (5:30-6:00PM EDT)

Plenary Session: 



Friday, April 28

8:00 AM – 8:45 AM PDT (11:00-11:45AM EDT)

Plenary Session:

9:00 AM – 10:30 AM PDT (12:00-1:30PM EDT)

Concurrent Symposia

10:30 AM – 12:00 AM PDT (1:30-3:00PM EDT)

Concurrent Symposia

12:15 AM – 1:15 PM PDT (3:15-4:15PM EDT)

Oral Presentations

Session 25: Psychosocial Factors

Session 26: LGBTQ+ Youth/Young Adults

Session 27: Preventative Measures in Military Populations

Session 28: Educational and Organizational Strategies

Session 29: Firearms

Session 30: Methodological and Analytic Approaches

1:15 PM – 2:45 PM PDT (4:15-5:45PM EDT)

Concurrent Symposia


2:45 PM – 3:15 PM PDT (5:30PM-6:00PM EDT)

Closing Session and Next Steps